Urine glucose and urine glucose 24 hours
The glucose urine test measures the amount of sugar (glucose) in a urine sample. The presence of glucose in the urine is called glycosuria or glucosuria.
After you provide a urine sample, it is tested right away. The health care provider uses a dipstick made with a color-sensitive pad. The color the dipstick changes to tells the provider the level of glucose in your urine.
If needed, your provider may ask you to collect your urine at home over 24 hours. Your provider will tell you how to do this. Follow instructions exactly so that the results are accurate.
This test was commonly used to test for and monitor diabetes in the past. Now, blood tests to measure glucose level in the blood are easy to do and are used instead of the glucose urine test.
The glucose urine test may be ordered when the doctor suspects renal glycosuria. This is a rare condition in which glucose is released from the kidneys into the urine, even when the blood glucose level is normal.
Glucose is not usually found in urine. If it is, further testing is needed.
Normal glucose range in urine: 0 to 0.8 mmol/l (0 to 15 mg/dL)
The examples above are common measurements for results of these tests. Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Some labs use different measurements or test different samples. Talk to your health care provider about the meaning of your specific test results.
Sample of urine
We perform the sample daily