Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies
The finding of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgA antibodies is specific for celiac disease and possibly for dermatitis herpetiformis. For individuals with moderately to strongly positive results, a diagnosis of celiac disease is likely and the patient should undergo biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
The finding of tTG IgG antibodies may indicate a diagnosis of celiac disease, particularly in individuals who are IgA deficient. For individuals with moderately to strongly positive results, a diagnosis of celiac disease is possible and the patient should undergo a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
If patients strictly adhere to a gluten-free diet, the unit value of anti-tTG antibodies should begin to decrease within 6 to 12 months of onset of dietary therapy.
- Sample of blood plasma
- We perform the test every Monday